Nest Nursery School

Nest Nursery School, located in downtown Erie, CO is set to open in October of 2024.

NNS will be state licensed mixed age infant and toddler program that is inspired by both the Montessori and Reggio Emilia early childhood philosophies.

Collaborative Learning
Children are collaborators in relationships with each other, teachers, parents and their environment.

Environment as the Third Teacher
In Reggio thinking there is a belief that the environment is the “third teacher” and that it is crucial to provide children with plenty of natural light, space for movement, stimulation and access to open-ended play resources. For babies and young children it is important that these are highly tactile and varied so that they can investigate them using their primary way of interacting with the world; the senses.

The Hundred Languages of Children
Mixed-age groups offer children opportunities to develop and practice valuable social skills. This also can be a wonderful environment for siblings, because they are not separated, and this can ease their transition into a new child care setting. Older children learn to adapt their language and social skills to relate with younger children, often learning patience, compassion and problem solving skills. In addition, younger children are challenged by older children and often engage in more complex activities than when they play with same age peers.